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NEW [eBook] ESG Distributed Cloud Series Study 2: Cloud-native Applications

While the business goals and schedule for this cloud-first approach are often well-defined, the path to realize them is not. There are significant technical, organizational and operational hurdles to overcome, and some organiza...

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NEW [eBook] ESG Distributed Cloud Series Study 2: Cloud-native Applications

IT organizations are trying to keep their businesses running while migrating to modern, future-proof approaches. To understand cloud native application trends, ESG surveyed 387 IT professionals at organizations in the U.S. resp...

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Hindsight is 2020 - The Pandemic Provides a Wakeup Call

How has the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity of the distributed, anywhere workforce shifted the future of work? Forrester Consulting conducted a survey, commissioned by VMware, to global future-of-work decision-makers with r...

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Achieving Network Modernization for the Decade Ahead

Every organization is now defined by the digital services it delivers. From engaging customers with new experiences to building new revenue opportunities, and driving digital-first touchpoints that protect and enable customers ...

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Reinventing Work im Vertrieb

Die Veränderungen in 2020 werden sich langfristig auf unsere Arbeitsweise auswirken. Dadurch bietet sich für jedes Unternehmen die einmalige Chance, für sich eine bessere Arbeitsweise zu finden – eine, die das Beste der bisheri...

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Reinventing sales

The upheavals of 2020 will have a long-term impact on the way we work. They’ve created an opportunity for every organization to find a better way of working— one that combines the best of what was done before with efficient new...

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Der Total Economic Impact™ von Slack für Vertriebsteams

Slack beauftragte Forrester Consulting mit der Durchführung einer Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI)- Studie sowie mit der Untersuchung der potenziellen Kapitalrendite (ROI), die Unternehmen durch den Einsatz von Slack in ihren Vert...

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of Slack For Sales Teams

Slack commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realise by deploying Slack for sales team users. The purpose of this...

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Reinventing Work im Kundenservice

Die Veränderungen im Jahr 2020 werden sich langfristig auf unsere Arbeitsweise auswirken. Dadurch bietet sich für jedes Unternehmen die einmalige Chance, für sich eine bessere Arbeitsweise zu finden – eine, die das Beste aus ...

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Reinventing customer service

The upheavals of 2020 will have a long-term impact on the way we work. They’ve created an opportunity for every organisation to embrace better ways of working—approaches that combine the best of what we had before with the new...

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