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Étude de cas : Connexion avec les consommateurs du monde entier grâce à une VDI disponible 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 (document en langue anglaise)

Norstat est l'un des principaux collecteurs de données pour les études de marché en Europe, avec un réseau de panels de plus de 2 millions de consommateurs dans 19 pays. Avec des travailleurs à distance basés partout dans le mo...

Fallstudie anzeigen

Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity Assessment

For many years, industrial systems relied upon proprietary protocols and software. These legacy solutions lacked automation, required manual administration by people, and had no external connectivity. Today, the operational te...

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2023 Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report

Since the report debuted in 2013, it has garnered over 15,000 downloads and has benefited thousands of users with detailed data analysis and expert findings. This 10-year anniversary edition of the report dissects the 2022 Mic...

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Cybersecurity Control Checklist

The first step in making cybersecurity and data security improvements is cataloging what control processes are already in place. Getting the full picture of your organization’s actual security standing? Easier said than done. ...

Checkliste anzeigen

Buyer’s Guide for Complete Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Identity is the new perimeter and privileged access management (PAM) is the keystone of modern identity and access security. No identities—human or machine—are more imperative to secure than those with privileged access to sys...

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Advancing Zero Trust with Privileged Access Management (PAM)

This paper is for those IT and security professionals who seek to bridge the principles of zero trust, as scoped by NIST, into real-world privileged access management (PAM) and secure remote access product capabilities that can...

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Tech or Tangled? The Wizards's Guide to Scaling: Unleashing the Power of Trustworthy Technology Partners

In the vibrant world of entrepreneurship, each journey is uniquely motivated, and guided by ambition and vision. The pinnacle aspiration is scaling—a transformative journey that turns startups into thriving enterprises. But sca...

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Planning a Seamless Volunteer Board Meeting

When meetings are carefully prepared ahead of time, they move along more productively and efficiently. When preparation is done well, the meeting should run so seamlessly, that board members will not even be aware of how much p...

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How to Strengthen Your Organization's Last Line of Defense: Your Human Firewall

Social engineering attacks, in the form of phishing, BEC, and ransomware attacks are becoming ever more commonplace. The number of cyberattacks that start by manipulating a human into allowing access to protected systems or sen...

Webinar auf Abruf ansehen

Resilience reimagined: Are organisations ready to face the next unknown?

The world is seeing increasing volatility arising from developments such as climate change, pandemics, geopolitical shifts and accelerating technological innovation. In the face of these disruptors, risk management tools and sy...

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