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A staggering 57% of consumers feel experiences have gotten worse in the past year. How do your customers feel about the quality of your CX? Our new “7 Critical CX Trends for Your 2024 Strategy” offers powerful tips and key tre...

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Digital Experience (DX) For Dummies

Get an in-depth look at how a digital-first approach to your business’s CX strategy is crucial to meet elevated customer expectations and drive ultimate satisfaction at every journey touchpoint. Find out in this e-Book how to:...

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Cybersecurity im deutschen Mittelstand

Veränderte Bedrohungslage birgt große Gefahren In den vergangenen Jahren wurde viel über IT-Sicherheit gesprochen. So viel, dass jedes Unternehmen eigentlich eine übergreifende IT-Security-Strategie aufweisen müsste. Schließli...

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SECURITY AWARENESS - Stärken Sie Ihre menschliche Firewall

Wenn wir über Cybersecurity sprechen, denken wir zunächst an technisch ausgefeilte Sicherheitsmaßnahmen. Die wichtigste Sicherheitsmaßnahme ist aber der Mensch. Ob eine Cyberattacke zum Erfolg führt oder nicht, verantworten Men...

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NIS2 - 6 Punkte, die Sie jetzt wissen müssen

Wasser, Strom, Lebensmittel oder der öffentliche Nahverkehr sind für uns alltägliche Dinge, die jedoch lebensnotwendig sind. Die Versorgung mit diesen und weiteren unentbehrlichen Gütern und Dienstleistungen übernehmen in Deuts...

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An in-depth exploration of user awareness, vulnerability and resilience

Every year, threat actors look for new ways to outwit victims and bypass defenses. And 2022 was no different. As businesses rolled out new security controls, cyber criminals responded. They added complex techniques like teleph...

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A roundup of the biggest, boldest and most brazen business email compromise attacks

Business email compromise (BEC) fraud affects organisations of all sizes across every industry around the world, exposing them to billions of dollars in potential losses. The FBI’s 2022 Internet Crime Report says that BEC schem...

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DMARC: The Key to Email Deliverability

Imagine what would happen if your customers simply stopped getting your company’s emails. Suddenly, your fastest and most effective marketing channel is gone. Customers can’t log in to verify their identity or reset their passw...

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Avery Dennison adopts enterprise automation

Globally renowned material science company Avery Dennison pursued large-scale enterprise automation, focused on increasing its human-machine collaboration capacity. Automation is at the heart of the firm’s strategic priorities,...

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2024 IT and Observability Forecast

Anyone can offer predictions. Our experts have always been more focused on delivering precise answers. Join Dynatrace founder and CTO Bernd Greifeneder and CMO Mike Maciag for an insight-driven look into what 2024 promises for...

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