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Africa’s Road Map to Identity Maturity and Security Using Privileged Access Controls

In an evolving integrated world, robust and resilient cybersecurity is a nonnegotiable prerequisite for growth in any economy. In the last few years, Africa has seen increasing IT investments to boost digitalization. In July 20...

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Streamlining food delivery fulfillment to delight customers

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a demand boom for eating in and new recipe subscription services, in ways that will change consumer habits once the crisis has passed. Within this increasingly crowded field of food services, G...

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Migrating from Hadoop to Data Lakehouse

The cost, complexity, and viability of existing Hadoop platforms have failed to deliver on business value due to the lack of data science capabilities, the high cost of operations, the inability to scale, the lack of agility, a...

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The Hidden Value of Hadoop Migration

Over the past year, we have seen an acceleration in customers migrating from a Hadoop architecture to a modern cloud architecture. Many organizations have made the move to reduce the operational costs of licenses and maintenanc...

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Gratis IT-Security-Check: Präsentation der Analyse am Beispiel Ihrer Daten

Wir prüfen innerhalb von 48 Stunden, ohne Aufwand Ihrerseits, die im Internet gefundenen Systeme nicht invasiv. Die unverbindliche Überprüfung beinhaltet folgende Prüfkategorien: DNS Veraltete Anwendungen Netzwerksicherheit We...

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Keysight Lawful Intercept Solution Saves Customer €1 Million per Year

When it comes to regulatory compliance, you can’t afford not to have complete network visibility. You need to know what is, and what is not, happening on your network at any given time. A large wireless voice and data carrier w...

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Creating the Right Hybrid Cloud Visibility Solution

Improve performance, security, and ROI across your cloud and on-premises networks. Adopting a hybrid cloud (physical on-premises + public / private cloud) infrastructure makes it easy to spin up high-performing new application...

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What Is a Network Packet Broker (AND WHY DO YOU NEED ONE)?

Keeping networks safe and users thriving amid the relentless flux requires a host of sophisticated tools performing real-time analysis. Your monitoring infrastructure might feature network and application performance monitors, ...

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Best Practices for Network Monitoring

Monitoring Challenges In Today’s Business Environment The rapid evolution of business applications and systems is making information technology (IT) a strategic part of the world’s most successful companies. The recent shift t...

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Kit zum Cybersecurity-Awareness-Monat 2023: Road Trip zum Thema „Surfen im Web“

Der Oktober ist wieder Cybersecurity-AwarenessMonat – eine Zeit, in der wir Anwender ganz besonders dabei unterstützen, sich selbst, ihre Unternehmen und ihre Daten vor aktuellen Bedrohungen zu schützen. Es ist eine ideale Gele...

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