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Three Actions Enterprise IT Leaders Can Take to Improve Software Supply Chain Security

But many of today’s most impactful attacks aren’t on production systems. Instead, they target the software supply chain, the process you use to create and deliver software. The well-known SolarWinds attack threatened thousands ...

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The executive’s guide to generative AI.

Its impact on individual and business productivity can be significant, with the potential to rival the advent of the internet or the mobile device. Indeed, among organizations considering or using AI, 82% believe it will either...

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The executive’s guide to generative AI

Its impact on individual and business productivity can be significant, with the potential to rival the advent of the internet or the mobile device. Indeed, among organizations considering or using AI, 82% believe it will either...

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Modern retail at the edge Directions for 2023 and beyond

Edge computing is emerging as a powerful way to catapult retail enterprises to the next level of digital engagement. Shifting business models and customer expectations are driving modern retailers to accelerate their digital t...

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What’s Driving Search Abandonment in Online Retail

Today, despite the evolution of modern product discovery and personalized shopper experiences, the impact of search abandonment, including its role in brand loyalty and shopper experience, continues to vex retailers as a top-of...

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6 smart choices that will impact your modern cloud application strategy

We make thousands of decisions every day. Most are minor, but a handful can have a major effect. And for IT leaders like you, these critical choices can make a generational impact on your organization. That’s especially true wh...

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Die Cloud im Visier

In der heutigen digitalen Zeit ist Microsoft 365 ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel für den Arbeitsalltag – und dadurch leider auch das primäre Ziel von Cyberkriminellen. Trotz der zahlreichen, in Microsoft 365 nativ vorhandenen...

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How to Strengthen Your Organization's Last Line of Defense: Your Human Firewall

Social engineering attacks, in the form of phishing, BEC, and ransomware attacks are becoming ever more commonplace. The number of cyberattacks that start by manipulating a human into allowing access to protected systems or sen...

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Critical Considerations When Evaluating Security Awareness Training Vendors

The vendor landscape for security awareness training (SAT) is as diverse as it is innovative. This market has changed significantly over the past several years as CISOs and security leaders now seek to ensure that any SAT progr...

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Cloudbasierte Desktops beschleunigen die Service-Geschwindigkeit für BioPlus

Citrix ermöglicht spezialisierten Apotheken Sicherheit und Flexibilität BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy ist ein Unternehmen, das sich durch seinen schnellen Service auszeichnet. Anders als reguläre Apotheken ist BioPlus auf die Lie...

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