Enterprise companies know that an account executive alone can’t provide the fast and customised customer journey that buyers expect. Modern sales organisations win enterprise deals by selling as a team. Slack empowers sales le...
Enterprise-Unternehmen wissen, dass Account-Betreuer:innen die von den Käufern erwartete schnelle und individuelle Kundenerfahrung nicht alleine liefern können. Modernen Vertriebsabteilungen gelingen Enterprise-Geschäfte mithil...
Your ability to provide fast yet human service can make or break customer relationships. Every negative interaction is a potential deal-breaker. Nearly 50% of customers say they would switch to a competitor after only one bad e...
The world of work has undergone a seismic shift over the past few years. In 2019, when we last reported on the State of Work, the biggest challenge that sales teams faced was misalignment. Fast-forward to today, and the picture...
In today’s turbulent economic conditions, companies everywhere are looking for ways to steer their ships into calmer waters. The practical solution involves charting a course for improving business value in every department, bu...
Slack is a productivity and collaboration application utilized on a daily basis by technical teams, including developers, engineers, and IT staff. By consolidating their tasks within Slack using integrations and native workflow...
Knowledge silos kill companies. There’s data to prove it. In ‘The Crisis of Fractured Organisations’, global research firm Forrester found that the average worker spends 2.4 hours each day looking for the information that they...
As economic uncertainty continues to dominate headlines, businesses are searching for ways to do more with less. Productivity, efficiency and cost savings are not just buzzwords, they’re necessities. If companies want to achiev...
Die Arbeitswelt hat sich in den letzten Jahren grundlegend gewandelt. Im Jahr 2019, als wir das letzte Mal einen State of Work-Bericht veröffentlicht haben, war die größte Herausforderung für IT-Teams die mangelnde Ausrichtung...
In der heutigen turbulenten Wirtschaftslage suchen Unternehmen überall nach Möglichkeiten, ihre Schiffe in ruhigere Gewässer zu lenken. Die praktische Lösung besteht darin, in jeder Abteilung Kurs in Richtung Verbesserung ...