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Palo Alto Networks named a Leader by Gartner® for Cortex XDR.

A dynamic and evolving threat landscape requires constant innovation and continued investment in technology to stop threats in near-real time. Palo Alto Networks has delivered on this with Cortex XDR® by providing our customers...

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Holen Sie sich den Leitfaden und erfahren Sie mehr über XDR

Laden Sie unser E-Book herunter, um ein fundiertes Wissen rund um XDR zu erlangen. Folgende Themen werden angesprochen: Der aktuelle Stand von Bedrohungserkennung und -abwehr Was XDR ist – und was nicht 10 unverzichtbare XDR-...

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Enloe Medical Center strengthens its security posture and improves efficiency with Unit 42 Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

For medical facilities, cybersecurity is critical for protecting access to patient records and networked medical devices. At the time of the attack, Enloe’s Cybersecurity team had a variety of tools in place and was getting inf...

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Holen Sie sich den Leitfaden und erfahren Sie mehr über XDR

Laden Sie unser E-Book herunter, um ein fundiertes Wissen rund um XDR zu erlangen. Folgende Themen werden angesprochen: Der aktuelle Stand von Bedrohungserkennung und -abwehr Was XDR ist – und was nicht 10 unverzichtbare XDR-...

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Your Roadmap to a Unified Security Approach

By year-end 2028, XDR will be deployed in 30% of end-user organizations to reduce the number of security vendors they have in place, up from less than 5% today.1 Extended detection and response is an evolving technology that p...

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XDR For Dummies

Download this e-book to get up to speed on everything XDR. You’ll become well-versed in all things XDR, including key points such as: The current state of detection and response What XDR is and isn’t 10 must-have XDR capabilit...

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Ransomware ist weitverbreitet und gut etabliert

Ransomwareangriffe sorgen weiterhin für Schlagzeilen und werden immer raffinierter. Wie hat sich Ransomware entwickelt, seit diese Angriffsmethode ca. 2005 erstmals identifiziert wurde? Wer ist am anfälligsten für diese Angrif...

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Why Ransomware Isn’t Going Anywhere Anytime Soon

Ransomware attacks have continued to dominate headlines, and they’re constantly becoming more sophisticated. How has ransomware evolved since it was first recognized around 2005? Who is now more vulnerable to these attacks? Wh...

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A Comprehensive Guide to the 2023 MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluations

In the latest round of MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® evaluations, 29 industry-leading vendors faced off against the sophisticated tactics, techniques and procedures of the Russian-based threat group Turla. The MITRE ATT&CK Ev...

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Discover How MDR Enhances Security Maturity

Cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated and aggressive, but not every organization has the resources to tackle these threats. You don’t have to fight alone. Managed detection and response (MDR) services have become integ...

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