While this is a travel-focused sustainability strategy, it takes more than just your team to make it work. You need to collaborate with sustainability leaders, councils, and committees from across the company. And if you don’t ...
To understand the Work from Anywhere trend better and to support companies in mastering corresponding challenges, SAP Concur conducted a piece of research aiming to understand WFA’s growing prevalence and provide the necessary ...
Traditional approaches to software development and lifecycle management are broken. Companies are facing an exploding digital backlog, mounting technical debt, increasingly complex IT landscapes, and a perpetual talent crunch. ...
With great leaps in technology come great expectations for innovation. But anyone who has been around the block a few times knows it isn’t easy to incorporate promising new technology into a tool stack and development processes...
We know that there are low-code skeptics out there. We’ve heard the whispers and rumors. It doesn’t seem to matter that IT professionals who use low-code told us in our latest State of Application Development survey that they a...
Mit der fortschreitenden Entwicklung von KI-Technologien rückt das Potenzial, wie HR-Teams ihre Lern- und Entwicklungsstrategien gestalten, immer stärker in den Fokus – ins besondere im Kontext digitaler Coaching Praktiken. Die...
As AI technologies evolve, their potential to transform the way HR teams lead their learning and development strategies has become a focal point of discussion, especially when it comes to digital coaching practices. Innovations...
Unlike other disaster scenarios, ransomware is pervasive and a common occurrence for most organizations. According to research conducted by TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group, 79% of organizations have experienced a ransomw...
As organizations continue to drive toward extracting the maximum value from their data, hybrid cloud storage becomes a crucial part of the strategy. The sources and volume of data are increasing rapidly for data-driven organiza...
In today’s world, organizations increasingly recognize the importance of sustainability in their operations. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) initiatives have gained prominence as companies strive to reduce their environ...