Executive Navigator 2023: Cybersecurity

Cyber extortion (Cy-X) attacks represent one of the fastest-growing threats to organizations of all sizes.The question for today’s C-suite is no longer whether or not to invest in cybersecurity, but how to ensure the best return on investment for their security spending and ensure that it is strategically aligned with business goals. To help you navigate the security landscape, this e-book takes key findings from the Security Navigator 2023 relevant for strategic decision-making and provides relevant recommendations for CIOs, CFOs, and CEOs alike.

Download your copy now to explore a comprehensive snapshot of the changing threat landscape, complemented by the latest advice on mitigation and avoidance, and begin taking steps towards building a strong cyberdefense that aligns with your business.

Anbieter: Orange Cyberdefense   |   Größe: 8,6 MB   |   Sprache: Englisch