Au cours des 10 prochaines années, nous allons observer un changement remarquable dans l'industrie automobile. D'une meilleure efficacité des moteurs aux véhicules autonomes et à l'électrification, c'est dans les instituti...
Hyundai Kefico needed to meet manufacturing test deadlines for increasingly complex powertrain electronic control units (ECUs) with over 200 pins and 20,000 test steps, while staying competitive. They were able to achieve flexi...
It can seem impossible to avoid delays and risks caused by friction in design delivery, unforeseen project changes, or lost or erroneous information. You can still deliver results by working through hurdles that arise – but it ...
Wideband 5G IC test is complex. The Engineer’s Guide to 5G Semiconductor Test is here to help. A must-read for anyone navigating the time, cost and quality trade-offs of sub-6 GHz and mmWave IC test, the guide features color di...
Organizations of every size and in every industry feel the necessity and urgency to strengthen their cybersecurity efforts. Enterprises have moved beyond simply securing the perimeter and now recognize the need to protect a gro...
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI) is on an aggressive growth path and an essential part of this was a need for an integrated IT network to improve efficiency and connectivity. RBEI chose Tata Communications...
Even the best technology-based controls can only do so much, which is why an awareness training program is essential for improving employees’ resilience to social engineering attacks across a range of communication mediums. Wit...
There is a major shift happening in the world of enterprise IT systems. Many organizations are trading on-premises systems for cloud-based solutions, a move that brings virtually limitless scalability, storage and accessibilit...
What if your employees were more informed about security threats, more skeptical about what they receive in email, and less likely to click on malicious links in email without first verifying them? There are some impactful, qu...
“As a security industry, we have to move away from being in a constant state of reaction. I want to minimize damage to my organization—I want prevention.” - Malcolm Harkins, Chief Security and Trust Officer, Cylance Big budge...